Adding Radius Selection First Entry

If you have the  WPSLP Experience Add On or the MYSLP/Professional plan   an additional setting is available under labels and will show you a new field named Radius first entry under the Settings/Search user interface.   When a Radius First Entry has been set it will appear as the first field  in the radius drop down that the user sees on your search form.   The value will be set to the default miles that you have set in Radii Options. The other radiis you have entered to allow users to search will appear in numerical order in the dropdown but the label for the first entry will appear first regardless of numerical order.

Results Pagination

Pagination is a bonus feature when you have the Premier subscription  or or MYSLP Enterprise Customers. The setting is under the Settings/ Results tab when the Premier add-on pack has been installed and activated. When Results Pagination has been enabled a new interface class is activated within the plugin that utilizes JavaScript and modified AJAX listener responses to provide the pagination interface to the Store Locator Plus map interface. A previous/next page and an instructional label appears on the top left of the results listings. When users interact with the page buttons the application queries the database in real-time showing the latest location data available as the user pages through the list of locations available within a given radius.

Countries and Languages

Plugin Text

The Store Locator Plus plugin is now part of the WordPress Translate project.  You can get the current status of the Store Locator Plus translations on the WordPress Translation website.  If you would like to see the plugin fully translated into your language, please send a request to be added to the WordPress translate team for your language.  As soon as a language reaches 100% completion for the stable release of the Store Locator Plus plugin, the custom language files will be removed from Store Locator Plus and be replaced by the more-efficient Translate system.

Locator Widgets

Store Locator Plus Widgets are included in the Experience Add On. This add-on pack creates new widgets that can be used to connect to the Store Locator Plus map or location data on your site from any widget-enabled area in your  theme.

SLP Search Form

The SLP Search widget places an interactive zip/address search box in any widget location on your site. A search initiated from the widget will direct the user to the Store Locator Plus map page that you have specified.

Map Page URL

The URL for the page on your site where you want the user to end up. The page should have the SLPLUS shortcode for rendering the Store Locator Plus map. For example http://localhost/?page_id=8 or https://localhost/locations/ if you have SEO-friendly page URLs enabled in the permalinks settings.

Search Label

The label to precede the input box, or if ‘use placeholder’ is set, the text to use as a placeholder.

Button Label

The text for the submit button.

Use Placeholder

When checked the label will be placed inside the input box as a placeholder.


Show locations within this radius from the zip code/address the user input.

Widget for States

The SLP States widget places a drop down list of the states or provinces where you have active locations. The user selects a state and presses the submit button to be redirected to a page with a Store Locator Plus map in place.

Widget for Cities

The cities widget provides a drop down list of cities based on your Store Locator Plus locations.   Users can select a city where you have locations and be directed to your locator map to get directions or other details.


Hide Google Pegman (Street View)

Hide Street View is available as part of the Premier plugin included with the Premier Subscription for Store Locator Plus.  The Street View icon , also known as “pegman” appears on all Google Maps by default.  The Premier plugin allows you to turn this off.

Premier 4.5 Pegman Active
Premier 4.5 Pegman Active
Premier 4.5 Cluster Map Markers
Premier 4.5 Pegman Inactive


Turning Street View On or Off

Go to the Store Locator Plus Experience Map tab and look for Hide Street View in the Appearance group.

Premier 4.5 Experience Map Settings
Premier 4.5 Experience Map Settings

Cluster Map Markers

Cluster Map Markers is available as part of the Premier plugin included with the Premier Subscription for Store Locator Plus or the Enterprise level of MySLP.  Cluster Markers show a single map marker graphic (circle with number inside it) when two or more (you set this number) markers are within close proximity to one another on the current map view.   As a user zooms in on the cluster, the clusters break apart to show the individual markers.  When  zoomed out the individual location markers combine into a single marker graphic with the count of locations represented by the graphic shown in the center. You determine the default radius and minimum number of locations  before cluster map marker is engaged.  Your “center map at” and default radius setting will effect where the map center is located.

Turn On Cluster Markers

Go to the Store Locator Plus : Settings / Map and look under the Appearance section for “Enable Cluster Markers”.

Read the Store Locator Plus news articles about Cluster Map Markers.

Putting Results In A Table Format

Premier Subscribers have access to the Results Header option under the Settings / Results tab in Store Locator Plus. This allows the results listings to be formatted in a tabular output with column headers.

Results Header

Outputs the HTML + shortcodes before displaying results. You may attach the locations to an HTML element other than the default#map_sidebar div by adding id="add_locations_here" to one of your Results header elements (such as a tag). This works well with the Skywalk Rev 01 Plug-in Style for optimizing the table style results under the map.

Read The Feature Release Article.

Tutorial Video


Location Search Enhancements

Premier subscribers  or  MYSLP Enterprise level subscribers will see the following features under the Store Locator Plus Settings / Search Panel.

Premier settings to influence Google search

Show Address Guess

If checked, replace the address the customer typed into the address box with what Google thought they meant. This feature is useful if your site visitor is browsing “incognito: or the location sensor is not activated.

Country Influences Guess

When checked , SLP uses the selected Country Map Domain to influence how Google returns  the location based on what they think the user meant when entering a search address. Google returns the most searched locations based on an algorithm. This feature is coded to redirect the returned location based on your location data points.

Boundaries Influence Guess

Uses a search boundary to influence how Google guesses what the user meant when entering a search address.

  • Locations in your data set will show a rectangle that surrounds all of your locations.
  • Defined Boundary is a rectangle that you define with a map that will appear below.
  • The default is none, using standard Google address lookup rules.

These features are very useful, especially when you have a mix of some non – standard Zip/postal  codes or addresses that otherwise might be hard to find with the basic Google MAP API query.Premier Google influenced guess and Boundary Influemced guessesPremier Search features Show address and show google guesses

Creating A List Of Location Pages [slp_pages]

This feature is available with an active Premier Subscription only.

Create a list of location pages, the Store Pages created by the Pages option of the Power add on, requires version 4.5 or later of the Power add on with the Pages option enabled.

Listing location pages is done by adding the [slp_pages] shortcode to your WordPress page or post.   Only published Store Pages are shown.   By default new pages created via the Manage Locations interface are created in ‘draft’ mode.

The Store Page [storepage] Shortcode

The [storepage] shortcode is used by the Pages and Power add ons to render live location data on a location (store) page.     The template is set under the Pages / Settings tab in the Initial Page Features group via the Page Template setting.

The [storepage] Shortcode

By default the [storepage] shortcode does not output any content.   You need to use one of the following attributes to generate location-specific output.


  • class – augments the tag attribute with the specified CSS class
  • field – specify which location field to display
  • hard_coded_value – output the text in the wrapper
  • map – show a map with the location marker
  • post – output the WordPress post attributes for the page
  • tag – wrap the output with the specified HTML tag
  • title – output a title for list of pages
  • type – specify the type (style) for the output