Data fields to display in results

Store Locator Plus includes a default set of data fields that is included with every installation. Various add-on packs add extended data fields.

For ALL extended data fields you can output the data in ANY info bubble, results layout, etc.if you have an add-on pack that allows you to change the layouts (Experience add-on) or if you are using the SLP SaaS Professional level Plan.

Tags and/or Categories

With the Power add-on or the SLP SaaS professional level plan or higher, there are options to tag a location or assign a category to a location or do both.

Tagging Locations

“Tagging” locations can be done one of two ways.  The informal method is to use free-form tags that are setup via the Word Press Store Locator Plus Plug-in with the  Power add on. Or the (My)SLP SaaS Professional level plan or higher  The structured method is to use the Store Category Manager under the Categories tab (not available with the basic plug-in or Advance level plan)

Set map view

You can change  the built-in Google map view to any that Google has to offer “hybrid, road map, satellite (aerial), terrain”  The settings are under Store Locator Plus/ Settings/Map ,scroll down to the section under Appearance  and use the drop down under Map Type to change and then save changes.

If you are on MYSLP you will see the StoreLocatorPlus panel in the left admin panel, select settings/map.



No Results Found label

The text that displays  when there are no locations to be displayed   can be  changed under Settings/Results in the section under Appearance. Type a message in the box  to whatever you want the site visitor to see when there are no results found.

Example of  the text added under the SLP Settings/results  and how it appears to the site visitor  front end when no locations or results found:







Additional Layout Shortcodes with Power Add-on

If you have the Power Add-on in addition to the Experience Add-on you have additional fields that can be displayed with the use of shortcodes and attributes.

Contact Fields

The Power Add-on has Contact Fields that can be associated with your locations for adding internal special  ids  for updates or to add filters. The contact fields will not automatically appear in your results on the front end.

Importing Large Lists into WP Store Locator Plus

Hints for the WordPress Store Locator Plus stand alone, self managed plugin with Power add-on. Import features available with the Power Add-on

Load Data

If checked , use the faster MySQL Load Data method of file processing. Only base plugin data can be loaded, see the approved field name list.

This feature uses the MySQL Load Data command and is much faster than WordPress / PHP CSV file parsing, with the typical Google Geocoding limitations on performance and record counts (if you are not supplying, filling in the latitude/longitude data fields). This feature will only import basic location data. It does not import extended data fields or category data. If you use this along with  per-entered latitude and longitude values you can import 100,000 locations in less than 10 minutes on a basic web server. The column headers must be included in the file and must match the basic fields. You do NOT need to include all columns.